Correlation Between Draft Order and League Finish
from 2015-2022 (All Play Years)
*Based on the information below:
Picks #9 and #8 (respectively) have proven to be the best picks in the 9 years of our "All Play" formats
Picks #9 and #8 (respectively) have proven to be the best picks in the 9 years of our "All Play" formats
Regular Season
Sorted by RS Finish from 2015-2022
Sorted by RS Finish from 2015-2022
Post Season
Sorted by PS Finish from 2015-2022
Sorted by PS Finish from 2015-2022
Average of Regular and Post Season Finishes
Sorted by Average RS/PS Finish from 2015-2022
Sorted by Average RS/PS Finish from 2015-2022
Ranking Average
Average Ranking from RS, PS, and Combined Rankings above
Average Ranking from RS, PS, and Combined Rankings above
Regular Season Titles
Sorted by RS Finish from 2015-2022
Sorted by RS Finish from 2015-2022
Post Season Titles
Sorted by RS Finish from 2015-2022
Sorted by RS Finish from 2015-2022
Combined RS & PS Titles
Sorted by PS Finish from 2015-2022
Sorted by PS Finish from 2015-2022
Coaches Stats- Avg. Pick, Avg. Finishes, Championships
From 2015-2022; Sorted by Avg. Pick
From 2015-2022; Sorted by Avg. Pick